Social Groups
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
~Eleanor Roosevelt
FBH offers a variety of socialization groups. The following identifies our current group offerings.

Vocational Group:
Our Vocational Social Group at Family Behavioral Health provides support to individuals from teen years through adulthood with a wide variety of needs and abilities.
The purpose of the Vocational Group is to promote the development of independence and active membership in the community/workforce by creating a positive environment that promotes learning with an emphasis on vocational skills, social interactions, and a variety of essential activities of daily living.
Members of this group are given the opportunity to participate in community integration through volunteering and community outings.
Additionally, members of this group are given the opportunity to increase independence in functional life skills.
Teen Group:
The Teen Group at Family Behavioral health provides support and guidance to teenagers navigating a variety of skills that all teens contact in their formative years, but in an explicit manner conducive to their learning styles.
Our teens work on developing independence, building relationships with family and friends, advocating for themselves, managing their time, differentiating social cues, expressing and monitoring feelings, problem solving, perspective taking, and other crucial executive functioning skills.
All this learning is done through a series of lessons, games, community outings, and other real-life learning situations.

Early Learner Group:
The primary focus of the Early Learner Social Group program at Family Behavioral Health is to teach the fundamentals of social development through play and exploration!
By doing so, the learners have the opportunity to work towards mastery of a variety of skills, such as language and communication development, various motor skills, and other tools they may need to be successful in their day to day routine!
Through music and movement, The Early Learner Group practices many skills, such as, call and response skills, imitations skills, as well as rhythm development, and following one/two-step directions.
Activities are planned and implemented with each individual in mind so that each learner has ample opportunities to use their imagination, practice turn taking and cooperation skills, enhance language development, practice staying on topic, and responding to peers; just to name a few!
Our unique approach teaches important skills through play which, creates a fun and exciting environment! We utilize the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to teach our learners the essential social skills needed to effectively contribute to their community. We do this with the intention of the skills learned today, leading the learners to a more successful tomorrow!
Kids Group:
The Kids' Social Group at Family Behavioral Health gives the children in our community with social deficits ample opportunities to recognize their own feelings and the feelings of those around them by raising awareness of these feelings.
We give them the necessary tools they need to navigate social situations and to leave a positive and lasting impression on their peers!
In the Kids' Group, the learners practice techniques that can be used during potential difficult situations with peers.
These situations include, but are not limited to, how they should react in certain situations. For example, when playing a game, we discuss how they might feel if they won a game and how another peer might feel when they lose, or how to handle losing a game that a peer has won!
We also practice skills that might not be so obvious, such as listening without interrupting and why it is important to be a good listener!